Channel 5 GPAT BOND ISSUE "Replay" Call in SHOW
Bond Issue Call in Show Replay On Channel 5 GPAT
Friday evening at 8pm
Sat. 10am-2pm-8pm
Sun. 8pm
Mon. 10am-2pm-8pm
Election Day
Election Day August 3, 2010
You can NOW vote early at the Board of Elections
Cost - Taxpayer
• 2.9 Mill Bond Issue for 37 years 5-8th Grade Building – Fully Furnished
• .5 Mill for 23 years Facility Maintenance (OSFC Requirement)
• Total Cost to Property Owner $119 per year on $100,000 home
Formula for figuring tax cost:
Appraisal (Fair Market Value) x 35% Divided by 1,000 x 3.4 = Cost To Taxpayer
Example: $100,000 x 35% ÷ 1,000 x 3.4 = $119
Farmers – 50 cents an acre annually.
A farmer who owns an 80 acre tract of land on CAUV will pay less than $40 a year.
Cost – Facility
• $33.5 million 5-8th Grade Building – Fully Furnished
• $24.7 million Taxpayer Share
• $8.8 million State Share
Your support FOR the new middle school equals:
State - 8.8 million dollars to help build a 5-8 school
State - Rebate dollars for Junior High Repairs
Federal - Stimulus money to lower bond interest rates
Greenville School Board - dropped grades K-12 workbooks, flat and lab fees immediately upon passage
Greenville School Board - the new 5-8 building includes a Senior Citizen center at no extra cost.
The State funds 40% of a BASIC facility. The OSFC formula only funded a BASIC building housing 774 students. The district is currently averaging over 210 students per grade level in grades K-4. Additional academic square footage and upgrades for long term energy efficiencies add to the total cost of the local taxpayer share.