Channel 5 GPAT BOND ISSUE "Replay" Call in SHOW

Bond Issue Call in Show Replay On Channel 5 GPAT

Friday evening at 8pm
Sat. 10am-2pm-8pm
Sun. 8pm
Mon. 10am-2pm-8pm

Our Last Chance

Our Last Chance

Election Day

Election Day August 3, 2010

You can NOW vote early at the Board of Elections


Cost - Taxpayer

• 2.9 Mill Bond Issue for 37 years 5-8th Grade Building – Fully Furnished

• .5 Mill for 23 years Facility Maintenance (OSFC Requirement)

• Total Cost to Property Owner $119 per year on $100,000 home

Formula for figuring tax cost:

Appraisal (Fair Market Value) x 35% Divided by 1,000 x 3.4 = Cost To Taxpayer

Example: $100,000 x 35% ÷ 1,000 x 3.4 = $119

Farmers – 50 cents an acre annually.

A farmer who owns an 80 acre tract of land on CAUV will pay less than $40 a year.

Cost – Facility

• $33.5 million 5-8th Grade Building – Fully Furnished

• $24.7 million Taxpayer Share

• $8.8 million State Share

Your support FOR the new middle school equals:

State - 8.8 million dollars to help build a 5-8 school

State - Rebate dollars for Junior High Repairs

Federal - Stimulus money to lower bond interest rates

Greenville School Board - dropped grades K-12 workbooks, flat and lab fees immediately upon passage

Greenville School Board - the new 5-8 building includes a Senior Citizen center at no extra cost.

The State funds 40% of a BASIC facility. The OSFC formula only funded a BASIC building housing 774 students. The district is currently averaging over 210 students per grade level in grades K-4. Additional academic square footage and upgrades for long term energy efficiencies add to the total cost of the local taxpayer share.

Proposed New Middle School

Proposed New Middle School
Proposed New Middle School

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Thoughts from South School Spaghetti Dinner

A special thanks to Tiffany Fine who organized the South Spaghetti Dinner on Thursday evening with her colleagues. Over 100 people attended the event. The following comment was submitted by email after touring the facility:

“On Thursday evening, at about 5:00 P.M., I was advised that my wife had made a commitment to take pictures at South Elementary School. She also said that spaghetti was being served to all attending the “SPAGHETTI DINNER AT SOUTH” event. My reaction was not extremely positive but there was a little interest because I had never been inside this school.

In addition to the spaghetti dinner, the opportunity to have a tour of the school was a pleasant surprise. Andrea Townsend, South School Teacher, conducted our tour and responded to the many questions promptly and in detail based on ten years experience teaching and extensive knowledge of her school. She never mentioned the ghost.

As a basis for my comments, the fact that your author went to grade school in the 1930s in a building in East Grand Rapids that still stands and is now used as the Administration building is presented for your information.

These comments are not presented in any order of importance:

-The distance from some classrooms to the central rest room

-The temperature change from the bottom floor to the top floor – the ancient heating system coupled with absolutely no air exchange may be a factor

-The size of classrooms used for a nominal homeroom class of twenty four was at best adequate in some cases to so small as to represent a challenge

-The thickness of the walls reminded me of my school in the 1930s

-The width of the halls was alarming --- maybe it was my fault but after years on a submarine [NO EXTRA SPACE] these hallways would be a good training environment for future sub sailors

-The use of computers in the teaching process was a plus but the technology used to furnish power and to tie each computer to a server was a demonstration of zero engineering/design – just find a way to make it work

-Use of every possible space showed imagination and initiative but in some cases it made me wonder what the students must think

-The gymnasium (where we at our spaghetti) did have some unique features that would currently be rejected in a heartbeat --- example – redundant sharp corners on the table storage lockers

During the last twelve months, I have been in seven different Darke County High Schools but this was my first elementary school. I strongly recommend that every Greenville School District adult, set aside a few minutes to visit South Elementary School. Only if you become actively involved can you sincerely and truthfully appreciate the need.” A. Bliss